Carol and Her Children
What does “home” mean to you?
Home is so many things. It is the place where family gathers, or you sit alone. Home to me is the place where we can feel safe and secure, where people laugh and even cry, but home can be anywhere.
How has Bridge of Hope impacted your life?
BOH has completely transformed my life, the impact will be known for generations of my children’s children. With a BOH, we were able to breath, rest, learn, and grow. The impact has been the greatest blessing.
What do you like best about Bridge of Hope?
BOH has given us a voice. Being silent for so long with the struggles to make ends meet, heal, and know that I no longer have to do this alone, and that there are people who care for us, and I’ve been able to trust again.
Please share what goals you’re working towards?
My goal is to increase my income, so that I can get to a point that I can give back. I believe so much in BOH. I have been setting goals since I got here. My goal has been to use my struggles as a platform to share the goodness and grace that does exist.
What is your greatest strength?
My greatest strength is that I can take no for an answer, some days I mark how many no’s I get, because for me in sales, means I know there’s gonna be a yes. I have confidence now to be thick skinned.
What is your favorite thing to do as a family?
We love love love popcorn and family movie night. It is our favorite time to shut out the world, snuggle in, and share entertainment. Having a place to live that is comfortable to do so has been a luxury we don’t take for granted.
In one word describe your family’s personality.
We’re probably the most outgoing of families. We are always looking to add to others lives, by sharing our joy and laughter. We have a peace about us, a simplicity that our motto might just be stop and smell the popcorn. We never take ourselves too seriously, and we know we can have a good life because God loves us, and we know that it’s our greatest joy to tell others why even after all we’ve been through, how we can so happy.