A clean slate; Candi’s story

February 23, 2021

Shortly after marrying her husband at a young age, Candi realized the abusive cycle she experienced as a child continued into her adult life and marriage. After living with an abusive spouse for several years, she recognized that if she didn’t break this abusive and dysfunctional cycle, it would likely continue with her children. She courageously chose to leave with her children, even if they had to sleep on friends’ couches or live out of her car. 

The following years were filled with many moves in and out of shelters and homeless programs. She was trying to work and get an education to give her children a better life. Candi’s only support networks were abusive and dysfunctional relationships, and she couldn’t gain any traction to create a stable life for her kids. 

She worked hard to get her GED and took college classes, even though her family didn’t approve. Candi shared, “There is this mindset in my culture that if you are trying to improve yourself, get a better job or education, you think you’re better than everyone else.” 

The years that followed were dark. The family members that were caring for her children used them to manipulate Candi and would only let her visit them when it benefited them in some way. Her family constantly pressured her to find a husband to care for her and her kids. She wanted to create stability for herself and her children without entering into another potentially dysfunctional relationship. 

Candi began working at a home healthcare agency. She developed a bond with one of her clients and the woman asked her to leave the agency and be her full-time caretaker. This seemed to be a step in the right direction. Sadly, the client’s son falsely accused her of endangering the client and she was charged with a crime. She fought the charges but was found guilty and sentenced to three years in prison. 

During her prison intake process, she discovered that she was three weeks pregnant. She was thrilled and devastated all at once. She carried her daughter to term during the first nine months of her prison sentence. Three days after having her baby girl, her daughter was taken from her, and she returned to prison alone. Thankfully, her baby was placed with a couple she had come to know, so her daughter was kept out of the foster care system. 

Candi continued to appeal her case and, after serving nearly two and a half years in prison, she was released in January 2020. Candi recalled, “They let me out at 7:15 am and I got to hold my baby at 8:00. That was the first thing I did when I got out!” 

After being released from prison she was able to stay with friends for a time. She continued her education and pursued her degree through all these trials. When she no longer had a place to live with her daughter, a community partner referred Candi to Bridge of Hope Greater Denver. 

Candi’s ambition and desire to work hard to make a better life for her family made her a great candidate for the Bridge of Hope program.  

She was accepted into the Bridge of Hope Greater Denver program in August 2020. 

Since joining Bridge of Hope, Candi has continued to seek justice in her case, maintaining that the charges against her were false and she was not granted a fair trial. A few months ago, the appeals court unanimously found her charges false, and she was granted “vindication.” Her conviction was overturned and will be completely removed from her record. 

Candi now has a fresh start through Bridge of Hope Greater Denver.

Despite all the trauma she experienced, Candi completed a degree in IT in December 2020. 

She is now pursuing jobs in her field; even an entry-level position will allow her to earn a living wage. Candi is a great example of the kind of person you help when you support Bridge of Hope Greater Denver. After years of struggle, Candi needed hope and a chance to succeed, which she found through Bridge of Hope. 

Candi has always been a determined individual; through Bridge of Hope, she has the support and resources to change her life completely. She has risen from the depths to stand as a shining example of what can be accomplished through the support you provide when you support Bridge of Hope. 


A clean slate; Candi’s story