Shawnita’s Story
Shawnita was living in Louisianna when Hurricane Katrina devastated her community. Her family never fully recovered from the disaster’s impact after losing so much and she constantly struggled to make ends meet. With the hope of more opportunity, Shawnita and her three children moved to Colorado with the help of a friend. When the situation with her friend turned south, she found herself living in a homeless shelter with her children. Through Bridge of Hope, Shawnita was provided with the opportunities she needed to pick herself up and create a better life for her and her children.
Nayr’s Story
Nayr’s life had hit a dead end. Despite a full-time job, she was stuck, living out of their car with no prospects of improvement save one: Bridge of Hope. Participation would require her to let down her guard and trust others, she knew. Would Nayr, who prided herself for her independence, be able to open up and accept help?
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