Involve Your Church

Involve a group of 6-10 people from your church or faith community.

NEIGHBORING: the act of being like Jesus to a neighbor in need. (check out Luke 10: 27)

Families facing homelessness need a good neighbor. Here’s how you can help! Invite your Christian faith community (church, Bible Study, House church, etc.) to make a difference in your community and form a group of 6-10 Neighboring Volunteers for a family facing homelessness.



Neighboring Volunteers walk alongside the Family Facing Homelessness to fill in the gaps, and help the Family get back on their feet.


As a Neighboring Volunteer, you will…


Open your Heart

Give support, encouragement and build a relationship




Open your Hands

Offer tangible, practical support, such as help looking for housing and childcare, help with transportation, household furnishings, meals, etc.



Open Doors

Use your personal and professional networks to help a family find housing, medical providers, employment, job training or other resources to support a family’s long-term success.



Open Your Eyes

As a faith community, your eyes will be opened – to the pain, trauma and resiliency of families facing homelessness, the brokenness in all of us, the significance of mutual relationships with others, and the importance of Neighboring as followers of Jesus. It’s all about making a true difference in the lives of others.


To sign up as a Christian faith community to be Neighboring Volunteers, please complete the Contact form and someone will be in touch.

Contact Us


Love your neighbor as yourself  (Luke 10:27)

“There are so many facets of this experience that, as a pastor, are gratifying. It is indeed a holy privilege to have this very particular way of being ‘in the gap’ between what is God’s best desire for families and what is reality. We do it with a certain ache…and yet, also with hope, that our mutual futures will be something closer to what God intends because we are doing this together.”

– Pastor Jane Roeschley
from Mennonite Church of Normal, IL